Tuesday, October 28, 2008


yesterday was a good day. During dinner I realized "Wow, I've eaten alot of fruits and vegetables today!" I even bought a decaf diet coke for lunch. By dinner time, I had eaten 2 bananas, and apple, salad/herb mix with carrots, swiss chard...plus meats and carbs.

I put alot of effort into going out to meet my support group at Scooter's. I knew it was very imortant that I go. I had to bring Vin. I was proud to show him off and the girls were so sweet about him. I wish I could have focused more on the conversation but oh well that was yesterday. It was great to see so many of the girls out!

I did do some mindless eating yesterday. We had mini snickers bars in a basket at my desk. They didn't scare me or puss me over the edge, but I probaly could have done with out those extra empty calories.

Last night when I was laying in bed, my stomach felt really good. not too full or gaseous like it often does. I had a small decaf carmel latte at Scooters, then a diet root beer when I got home and a bowl of cereal. I needed to drink more water but didn't. When I was laying in bed I felt pretty content with the day. Meeting my support group girls at Scooters was a very fullfilling, satisfying way to spend my evening. I felt pretty relaxed and ready to fall asleep as I was nursing Vin to sleep. I actually thought to myself "Wow my body feels pretty good right now!" But Princess, my cat was still outside so I had to get up and call her in. It took a little bit so I grabbed a bannana, a big spoonful of peanut butter ,and a handful of giant gumballs. I don't know why I wanted this, maybe I was just thirsty or maybe I hadn't gotton enough calories during the day, or maybe I was just numbing out. Hmmmm???? Anyway I woke up feeling a little gaseous as I often do. And very stiff.

that is another story. My aching body. I haven't been able to exercise at all as much as I used to or even stretch out or do a liitle yoga. my body gets really stiff at night. Last week I had cramps in my legs one night. And then there are my soar wrists. They seem to be getting worse the last couple nights. Last night was probaly the worst ever, I thought about taking tylenol, and I ended up getting and ice pack which felt pretty good. I need to do some research on that and probaly go to the doctor eventually.

I need to focus on drinking water, getting some exercise most everday (including stretching) and figuring out a solution for my wrists. I also want to spend some time working on revising my daily checklist and going over my support group notes.

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