Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Daily Checklist

Professional: our need to be productive and to support ourselves.
-ready and willing to try new things
1)Find the name of the man I met at wedding and call him regarding career in mental health counsling --THIS WEEK
2)Continue to strive to give 100% at work

Personal: our physical needs such as healthy food, water, exercise, rest, and overall physical health,
1) strive to drink at least one more glass of water everyday
2) vitamins and effexor everyday
3) continue to pack healthy lunches vs. gas station food everyday
4) continues to include as many whole foods, grains, veggies, fruits, etc. in my diet vs. processed foods (Tv dinners, etc.)

-physically capable
1) strive to do some sort of physical activity 4-5 days a week that is stress relieving and strength building (not cleaning)

Relationships: our need to connect and interact with others-loving
-assertive in what I want in need
-having good communication skills
-intersted in others
-appreciative of my family and friends
-has meaningful relationships and enjoys them
-respectful of others
-shares and receives from others
-pleasant to be around

Spiritual: our emotional and psychological needs, our peace of mind; our sense of purpose in life; our heart-felt dreams and goals that give us deep fulfillment as we work toward their accomplishment.-confident
-joyful -- notice my own humor or something that makes me smile everyday
-concious and active in helping the environment - continues to recycle cans, think about recycling one new material next month, notice everytime a use a plastic bottle or glass instead of a disposable drink container, USE SMALLER AMOUNTS OF TOILET PAPER, THIS MONTH, Look online for cloth diapers
-appreciative of music - once a week listen to a CD; this month buy 1 new CD for the car
-nature loving - go for walks at least twice a week; this month visit one park
-open minded - ???
-lover of learning and reading - ????
-adventurous in trying new things
-creative in being non-wasteful
-artful -- I could redecorate my bedroom this month ??
-enjoys all things asthetically pleasing -- this month finish hanging pictures of Vin
-intersting and intersted in other cultures
-a great mommy -- start doing baby massage at least once per week with Vin & dance time once per week
-accepting of reality
-comfortable in my skin
-ready and willing to try new things
-calm and relaxful -- Strive to do some yoga or stretching at least twice a week

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