Monday, March 21, 2011


Raw materials
Cocoa goods
Chocolate coatings
Vanilla / Spices

new words March 21st 2001

Sucanat (a contraction of "Sucre de canne naturel", which was introduced by Pronatec in 1978) is a brand name for whole cane sugar. Unlike refined and processed white sugar, Sucanat retains its molasses content; it is essentially pure dried sugar cane juice. The juice is extracted by mechanical processes, heated and cooled at which point the small brown grainy crystals are formed.

is a type of unrefined brown sugar with a strong molasses flavor.
Also known as "Barbados sugar" or "moist sugar", muscovado is very dark brown and slightly coarser and stickier than most brown sugars. Muscovado takes its flavor and color from its source, sugarcane juice. It offers good resistance to high temperatures and has a reasonably long shelf life. It is commonly used in baking recipes and making rum. Muscovado sugar can be used in most recipes where brown sugar is called for, by slightly reducing the liquid content of the recipe.[1]
Peanut Butter Raisin Balls

1 cup natural peanut butter (with salt), smooth or chunky
2 Tbs. to 1/3 cup honey (to taste)
2/3 cup raisins
2 tsp. carob powder or cocoa powder (optional)
big pinch of cinnamon (optional)
1/2 to 2/3 cup of unsweetened shredded coconut (divided) (You can substitute another form of coconut here, but it won’t be the same-this stuff should add a nice texture and crunch)

Mix together peanut butter, honey, cocoa and cinnamon. Fold in 1/3 of the coconut and all of the raisins. Chill thoroughly. Roll the mix into little balls. Roll the balls in the remaining coconut. You may need to roll them twice and press the coconut in a little. Cover them with plastic wrap or put them in a ziplock bag and serve them well chilled.

Krista’s notes:
I like these best frozen and thawed for about five minutes. :) Also, I have never used the carob/cocoa or cinnamon and the taste was still great.