Monday, November 10, 2008

Stuff for me to work on this week

First of all these are the notes I jotted down from the first half of group I attended:
"If you love a person enough, you can change their behavior" ????? big question mark. "If you need a certain level of love and affection, you can not compromise what you need." ???another big question mark "We (women with ED) are so fearful of being "that needy girl" and not being independent enough."

one of Teresa's favorites ....."The hardest part of success is finding someone who is truly happy for you." -Bette Midler

We talked about environmentally eating This is the exact opposite of mindful eating or intuitive eating. An example would be eating crappy because you are on vacation and it is an excuse. One way to decide if you are eating environmentally or not is to ask yourself "Could I get that food any time I want"? If not, it truly might be a special food or occasion to splurge.

Again we talked about deprogramming ourselves from thinking fullness equals sickess. Just like emptiness doesn't equal goodness.

Teresa asked Trisha how she was doing, "Trisha hasn't purged in 10 days, right Trisha?!" asked Teresa. Trisha said "right" in an unenthusiastic way. Teresa asked Christine why Trisha responed this way. Christine said Trisha was minimizing her purge-free days. Which we do so we don't let ourselves down. ??? I'd like to know more about it.

Teresa reminded us that "When you are truly happy you just don't feel like purging!"
Someone said, "Yeah but when I'm happy..........."

"yeah buts" are NEVER good.

"we get stuck on not moving forward with our goals because of the "what ifs" in life."
Teresa reminded us that "you can always tweak your goals or change your mind!"

I also saw Teresa on Saturday.

She suggested that I be listening for how other people ask others for favors or for help. If I hear phrases that I like or that I think sound good, I should try them out myself or practice using them. I was aksing her about sounding bossy versus polite versus non-confident.

She also suggest that I talk to Barb about how she deals with or has learn to trust her body. To trust that she her body will stay the same size.

Teresa gave me 4 homework assignments: (to do by my next appointment Nov 24)
1) To call my dad's friend in Kansas about career ideas in mental health
2) To research 4 different career ideas
3) To observe and document 4 more incidences where I catch myself being lighthearted and using humor
4) To identify and describe 4 of my biggest speedbumps

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