Thursday, September 2, 2010

I just read through all of my old blog posts. I am so happy I kept some record of Vin's early years. One's memory is truly faulty. I know when I'm 90 all I will be able to remember is how having Vin was the greatest joy of my life.

Oh how I love reading those tidbits of the first year of Vin's life. The few times I wrote about visiting him over my lunch hour at Lynns' house and the joys and worries of breastfeeding. I wish I would have written more but I should be thankful for what I did write on the blog and in his baby book.

One other thing I realized after skimming my old posts is that I had a dream about wanting to purge this week, about eating some fattening foods, not really a binge but then thinking about purging. It was just a dream. It was the first time I had a dream like that in several months. THIS IS A GREAT SIGN!! SUBCONCIOUS PROGRESS! I am proud of myself. ED is slowly fading away forever. I don't eat alot before bed so I'm sure that helps. Now I just have to work on upgrading my nutrition.

Here are a few of Vin's ALMOST complete sentences from the last week or two...
"Me shake me bootie"
Darn I can't think of anymore right now, but I will later!!
Everything starts with "ME" now

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