Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Little Vin

Vin was a cutie this morning as usual.

Last night he had a really good time exploring and playing in his room. First he crawled in and was looking in the full length mirror that was sitting on the floor. He loves looking at himself and touching the mirror. Then he crawled over to his basket of toys and was pulling out each toy one by one, looking to see what was all in the basket. He was really interested in the little boards that Andrea drew a snail and a ladybug on. Then I rolled him his big ball that Scott picked out for him. He was interested in it and sat with it between his legs beating it.

Earlier in my room he was hitting my guitar and its strings. He is very interested in it.

This morning he got a kick out of me when I was mimicking the little screams and screeches he was making.

When he got to daycare this morning, he crawled straight to the kitchen. Mama Lynn says he does that all the time now when he is hungry. It is his way of saying "Fee Me!"

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