Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blogging Again at least for Today

GOD ITS BEEN AWHILE. I so love the idea of having a blog. I want a leas some sort of records of Vin's childhood and my life. I guess anything is better than none.

I am going to try again.. I will focus on Vin & my recovery.

Vin is doing so wonderful. He took his first steps at our house last week. The little stinker took some at Mamma Lynn's already but that how it goes. When he took his first steps in front of Scott and I, he stood up in the middle of the floor, butt first and took 3 or 4 steps towards Scott. I shreiked I was estatic!! We had been waiting so long. Vin is 17 & a half months old. Only like 1% of babies in his age group have not walked. But I wasn't too worried he is so smart and cute and so mobile. Scaling the couch, speed crawling, climbing furniture, shimmying from chair to chair are all easy for him. I just couldn't wait for him to walk. Every day he does it a little more and more. now he will walk places with us holding one of our hands.

this morning he was eating breakfast on the drum Scott gave him. Big Bird was sitting with him on his little chair. Vin decided he wanted to give Big Bird to me and off he went, walking while holding Big Bird. I was enthralled and so proud. My love for Vin keeps growing and growing. I will never cease to be amazed by what he can do. He makes my life so wonderful.

As far as recovery....... I am still committed 100%. I relapsed twice in the last two months. But that doesn't shake me. I have found Pema Chodran.... buddhism. She helps me. She tells the truth that I have been looking for. I posted on the Unite blog, maybe I will be able to connect with some of the girls maybe not. It is a part of my life that will never forget and I don't want to.

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